Thursday, September 25, 2014

C4K Summary September

Ilisa is year 7 and was able to help the year 2 girls around the cross country course. Lee is classmate was helping the year 1 girls which happend to be the same course as Ilisa's age group. Lee and Ilisa are rivals and Lee has beat Ilisa in the race for years. Today, was Ilisa's day. He was going to challenge Lee and finally win. Once the race was almost done Ilisa felt the fatigue but pushed though. In the end nor Lee or Ilisa won, they ended in a tie. Ilisa Blog is very interesting and impressive to be such young age.

My opinion was the pushing through to the very end is rewarding in itself. Most people would have gave up and quit, but he didn't. Even though it was a tie he was a winner in my book. Being friends and enemies is what it's all about. Friendship off the course only calls for more competitive feelings on the course.

Jordan B expressed how they were going to make a mark in the world by ending hunger. She feels that every one should have at least  3 meals a day. She also expresses that when you are hungry you make irrational desicions and do not think straight.
Jordan B. Blog

World hunger exists everyday. It is all around us if we know it or not. People like her will make a big improvement in this world by trying to fix what shouldn't have to be. Thinking irrationally is a side effect of being hungry. You don't think right and you may end up doing things unintentionally.

Hard work is more important than talent. She expresses that hard work can get you far in life such as good grades and a good job. By having a talent it can teach you to try new things. By using hard work it helps you to find out what you are good and bad at. Having a talent is like a hobby. By working hard you will earn what you get.

Hard work is very important in anything you do, if it's your talent or not. To achieve your set goals you need to provide hard work to make the reward that much sweeter. Talent is a hobby because normally your talent is what you are good at and enjoy doing.
Chloe's Blog

Comment 4 Kids

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